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Dirt or Compost

Ever wondered the power behind speaking affirmations? I have. And I’m glad you’ve asked my take 😄

I’m a gardener by trade, so I hope you’ll forgive the free use of plant growth as our standing metaphor for aspects of our personal growth. That said, words can be sunlight during your growing phases or a sunblocking mess. Words you hear. Words you share. Words your subconscious believes, just because you thought of them. This is why speaking positively over your self and your circumstances become vital for your growth. Surround yourself with people determined to see you succeed; whatever success means for you. Ingest words that feed your soul and inspire growth toward your goals. And whatever you do, speak positively to and of yourself.

Looking at yourself daily and speaking life, growth and thriving, over your endeavors and goals, is a sure fire way to:

  1. Recognize the sun-blockers hindering your growth

  2. Shine a reinforcing light on your strengths

  3. Ensure you’re hearing affirming words daily, despite the dirt around you

As you continue to speak growth into yourself, you may notice a certain phenomenon. Your outlook may quickly change the value of things you see and experience. For instance, feel the connotation difference between calling it dirt versus compost. Dirt implies it’s undesirable because of it sun-blocking capabilities, unclean existence and lack of substance. But compost….compost is dirt with value. Compost is valuable because it is dirt that has been amended; supplemented to instill nutrition and vitality into the seeds planted into it. So be sure to inspect your garden daily for dirt. Amend it and then fertilize your efforts. Feel free to share your journey with us… we love to grow together.