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Home Gardening: 2020 edition

Picture it! U.S. 2020 *Rose Nylund voice*

You’re confined to your home and bored out your gourd. Or maybe the non-stop essential work schedule has you feeling... outside yourself. In both scenarios, it is vital to your mental health to engage in healthy routines.

We here at Sage Life Creations, LLC can’t think of a better way to spend some quarantime.... than growing!

Just “Throw It in the Dirt!” and let Mother Earth do what she does! Whether you’re curious about home gardening as a hobby or looking to try some new techniques, this year is allowing us all the time to grow. We ask that you embrace it. Grow with us. There are many methods available, each strong in their own rights. We tend to branch towards sustainable low-footprint methodologies but if sprinkling a little plant enhancement keeps you planting seeds then do what ya does! Not only can home gardening be an awesome low cost hobby but, it can harvest huge rewards! Try out our TP Timing routine. It is a silly name but it’s showing to be a great way to stay out crappy mental thinking. Here’s the routine:

Each time you finish a roll of tissue paper, repurpose the roll as a seed starter. Pinch one end shut and centered in the pinch, snip up about one inch. Release and repinch with the new slits being the outer edges and repeat the centered cut. You should now have four equal flaps at the “base” of your new seed starter. Fold them into theirselves. Now grab a handful of soil and a pack of seeds and Throw It in the Dirt!

Journal your growth. Stick to your grow guide in accordance for that plants needs. And well if it that plant doesn’t make it just say “oh crap” and give it another go with the next roll.

Thanks for Growing with Us!
